Sunday, April 13, 2008

Last Tuesday...

...was fun. What was stupid on my part was I has the whole thing planned out and forgot everything the second I went up there lol. So I pretty much wasted time. I wish the bill was passed though...because I was gonna be President and veto it anyway hah. I wish my lesson went a little smoother, like I wish I caught the girl sleeping, I felt like an idiot when you guys told me she was purposely sleeping and I didn't catch it lol. Hopefully my next lesson goes better. I had a lot of fun though; I know I need work on presentation skills.


Dr. Luongo said...


Your lesson was excellent...

Your self-reflection was right on the mark, though... No matter how comfortable we are when practicing or planning a lesson, being in front of the "crowd" is a whole other ball game.

The fact that you enjoyed yourself (and so did we...) is a huge part of becoming an educator.

Thanks for the post!

catarina said...

No worries Mike, you did a great job anyway!