Saturday, April 19, 2008

Relationships/Pressure from friends...

...affect schoolwork? Oh yeah. I just noticed how much of a factor a student's environment is to their quality of education. Anything personal/physical can affect it. By the end of the semester, the heat is unbearable...making most of the kids not show up to class or just be sluggish during the lesson. Pressure from friends/significant others can lead some brighter students down the wrong path. Problems at home can do the same, they can make a student feel worthless or not good enough. It's our job as teachers to reach out to these kids and bring them into an environment where they can learn and develop.

1 comment:

Susan Mascolo said...

If you're interested in environmental factors as they relate to learning in the classroom, definitely come to my honors thesis presentation in the spring. I wrote my thesis proposal in a blog entry-check it out.